Friday, July 4, 2014

How Hot Is It!

It's so

It's so HOT....the nation is under a "heat dome" we have plenty of shade under our 14 trillion dollar debt ceiling.
It's so HOT....Somewhere in the US a corn stalk turns into popcorn.
It's so HOT....It's so hot that it makes me want to take off my skin and sit in my bones.
It's so HOT....It was so hot today I saw an Amish guy buying an air conditioner. 

It's so HOT....Its so hot I burn my tongue telling it.
It's so HOT....It's so hot that I have found out (the hard way) that my seat belt buckle could be used as a branding iron.
It's so HOT....I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walkin'.
19tagSummr keepcoolFANblows

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